
The skirt that fell from the sky

A fun, close and personal look back at a life – and the world’s rapid development over the last hundred years.

In our part of the world, people live until they are almost a hundred years old. Telling a story about a life means telling a story about the development of the world in the same period.

This performance is based on the story of Ida M. Frederiksen’s own mother: A woman who from her birth in 1920 until her death in 2014 experienced two world wars, Nazism, fascism, communism, socialism, capitalism and gender roles greatly changing.

Through a close and personal look back at a life, the audience also gets the story of political and cultural-historical events – love – war – and the skirt that fell from the sky.

The performance will be offered in the autumn of 2020 to senior centers in Oslo as part of Den kulturelle spaserstokken. On September 5th, The skirt that fell from the sky will be played during the literature festival Ord i Grenseland in Fredrikstad.


«Vi beveger oss gjennom de store politiske og kulturelle hendelsene, fra rockens gjennombrudd og Elvis, Cuba-krisen, mordene på Kennedy og Martin Luther King, 1968-studentopprøret, oljefunnene, 1970-tallets nyfeminisme og fravær av kompromissvilje, den nakne rockmusikalen «Hair», Mardøla, ostesmørbrød med ananas som lørdagshygge, Baader-Meinhof, Nei til EF […] frem til 80-tallets Grandiosa og det første kvinnelige statsoverhodet, islandske Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, Kåre og Gro, Berlinmuren fall, Mona Grudt […] og endelig, fire barnebarn
Tom Skjeklesæther, Fredrikstad Blad (+)

English translation: «We move through the great political and cultural events, from the breakthrough of rock and Elvis, the Cuba crisis, the murders of Kennedy and Martin Luther King, the 1968 student uprising, the oil discoveries, the 1970s neofeminism and the absence of compromise, the naked rock musical “Hair”, Mardøla, cheese sandwich with pineapple as a Saturday treat, Baader-Meinhof, No to EF […] to the 80s Grandiosa and the first female head of state, Icelandic Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, Kåre and Gro, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Mona Grudt [… ] and finally, four grandchildren.»


Screenplay, actress: Ida M. Frederiksen
Screenplay and direction: Brit Lossius
Composer: Anniken Paulsen
Costumes and visual design: Karin Sundvall
Producer: Anneli Sollie
Lighting design and tour leader: Øyvind Andresen


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