
Showtimes and Tickets

Material Displacements

29.08-26.09 2024 Hele dagenMaterial DisplacementsFredrikstadTown centrePop-up exhibition

Material Displacement, Opening

29.08.24 kl. 18:00Material Displacement, OpeningFredrikstadMain squareMeet up by the statue Plankebæreren

Material Displacements – Rock Bonding Sessions

13.09-14.09 2024 Hele dagenMaterial Displacements – Rock Bonding SessionsFredrikstadCrossing Nygaardsgata/ Olaf M. Holwechs gateReserve your spot here

Material Displacements

Join Nana Francisca Schottländer on an exploration of how modern consumer society shapes and connects people, nature and cities! Material Displacements will be presented as pop-up installations and interventions in Fredrikstad town center.

August 29th – September 26th, 2024
Pop-up installations and performances
Fredrikstad town center

As part of §112 Fredrikstad and (UN)COMMON SPACES, ØIT has invited Danish artist Nana Francisca Schottländer to work with and in landscapes around Fredrikstad. She has chosen places that are shaped by human intervention – both through the extraction of raw materials and the disposal of waste. In Material Displacements, she explores how the material flows of our modern world shape and connect landscapes, cities and bodies, both locally and globally. For a month, you will be able to experience her work through pop-up installations and interventions in the center of Fredrikstad. Welcome to an encounter with the anthroposcene Fredrikstad!

Nana Francisca Schottländer

Danish artist Nana Francisca Schottländer is an interdisciplinary artist, working with performance, choreography, video, photography, text and installations. Her works are always tailored to the context and often have a striking visual character. A main focus of her artistic practice is to embody philosophical questions, and since 2020 she has worked particularly with landscapes characterized by human intervention.

  • Materielle forskyvninger
    Nana Francisca Shottländer: Materielle forskyvninger,Blåkollen Stenbrudd. (Foto: Andreas Strand Renberg1

«What do we mean when we refer to the Anthropocene Do we refer to the state of ecological crisis brought on by the accelerating extractive growth of our late capitalist, global society? Do we talk about the human traces settling in the geological layers forming through deep time? Or do we hint at our own self-centeredness as a species? In my work I try to address these questions by challenging how they are imbedded in me and through attempting to relate with curiosity, care and reciprocity to the landscapes marked so heavily by our current state of affairs.»

Nana Francisca Schottländer

Heavy Kinship vol. 10: Rock Bonding Sessions

13.9 at 14:30, 17:00, 18:30
14.9 at 12:00, 13:30 and 15:00 
Location: Nygaardsgata / Holwechs gate “Sofatorget”

In the series HEAVY KINSHIP, Schottländer explores the co-creative potentials of encounters between rocks and humans, between stony and fleshy bodies, trying to understand what it takes to engage in respectful, reciprocal, and intimate exchanges with something existing on such radically different terms than ourselves

HEAVY KINSHIP vol. 10: Rock Bonding Sessions audio guides the participants into intimate encounters with 30 bodies of local granite, temporarily inhabiting the public space of Fredrikstad. At Kulturnatt Fredrikstad and Bylørdag you yourself can explore the mutually shaping relationships between rock and human and perhaps reconnect to the ongoing dynamics of entanglement that shape landscapes, bodies and civilizations. Participation is free of charge, book your place at desired time through the link above.

Language: English
Duration: approx. 45 minutes
Recommended from 15 years and up
Accessibility: Not suitable for people with severely impaired vision or hearing.
Language: English


Concept, performer, video edits: Nana Francisca Schottländer
Produced by Østfold International Theatre
Curator-producer: James Moore
Photos: Marine Gastineau, Andreas Strand Renberg, Mikkel Ulriksen
Supported by Østfold County Council.

Material Displacements is supported by IN SITU, the European platform for artistic activities in public space, within the framework of the (UN)COMMON SPACES project, co-funded by the EU’s cultural program Creative Europe.

Places the artist has worked: Skolt Pukkverk / Blåkollen, Rødshue quarry /Ytre Hvaler National Park, Sarpsfossen, Frevar, Borg Harbour.

Other project partners: Aarumgården, Adam og Eva, Betongbygg, Brilleland Fredrikstad Sentrum, Brødrene Ødegård, Cocos design, Choco Loco, Dark arkitekter, Dis Design, Fredrikstad City Archive, Fredrikstad Business Association, Heimdal Granitt, Kulturnatt Fredrikstad, Møklegaard Print Shop, Rino Hansen, Sarpsfoss Ltd, Sirkel Glass.

§112 Fredrikstad

This production is an integral part of §112 Fredrikstad.
§112 Fredrikstad is a new art and culture festival, which over four months will explore whether we are good ancestors. The backdrop is the constitution’s environmental clause. Through cultural experiences, conversations, public meetings and debate, §112 will present climate issues to the public in a new way.
Read more about the curatorial ideas behind ØIT’s program during §112 Fredrikstad and (UN)COMMON SPACES here: paragraf112.no

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