Showtimes and Tickets
The Crow
The Man and The Crow: «The Crow»
Did you miss last year’s magnificent outdoor performance at Isegran? Join us for the last part of Vadmelsbanden’s trilogy, the final battle between The Man and the crow!
Audiences in Fredrikstad have already been captivated by Vadmelsbanden’s atmospheric performances – combining fire, masks, acoustic music and meticulously handmade scenography as key ingredients. In this spectacular finale of the performance series The Man and the Crow, the company summarizes its collaboration with Østfold Internasjonale Teater through 2022 and 2023.
Saturday 11.11.2023 at 18-22
Isegran, Fredrikstad
The Crow is the last part of a trilogy inspired by the medieval balladKråkevis (The Crow Song); where a man who goes to the forest to chop wood, picks up a fight against a huge crow. The company’s previous productions have shown how The Man lost both his son and his family to this merciless creature of nature. In this perfomance he prepares the final battle against his worst enemy, the Crow, and its accomplices.
Practical information
The performance takes place outdoors.
It is a conscious choice on the part of the company that this takes place during the darkest time of the year. The fall evening will bean immersive experience with a film screening, exhibition and light refreshments. It will be possible for the audience to move around during the performance, and a communal warming room will be available. However, we recommend dressing well and according to the weather (wool, waterproof and windproof clothing)!
Access and transportation:
Parking space in Bjørnebyveien (by the Smertu ferry landing) + a few spaces by the bridge at Isegran (at the intersection of Mindre-alvs vei / Galeistranda) Click for map
There is some rough terrain at the venue. Please contact ØIT if you need facilitation.
Please note that the last train towards Oslo leaves Fredrikstad station at 22.44. For audiences coming from out of town, we will arrange transportation to the train station from Isegran. Please let us know by noon 11.11.23 at if you want to join the taxi from Isegran to the train station.
Light and sound / other
Please note that the performance makes use of torches, bonfires, stage smoke and loud noises.
There are somewhat limited toilet facilities on site. Ask the audience host or follow the signs 🙂
With and by Vadmelsbanden: Sebastian Warholm, Ole Petter Ribe, Simen Formo Hay, Eirik Vildgren, Sindre Hansen, Magnus Holmen, Brede Fristad, Mikkel Gundelach, Gina Lindås Theodorsen, Yasin Gyltepe, Fredrik Thorbjørnsen Størseth, Liv Artemis Lazaridis Nygaard, Stephanie Turcotte, Alva Langedok, Maria Drangeid, Didrik Hagberg, Lars Halvor Andreassen, Simon Mørland, Sivert Stette, Markus Dyrud, Beka Longhurasvili, Bogdan Melkyian, Niklas Brennsund, Christian Abrahamsen.
Co-producers: Østfold Internasjonale Teater v/ produsent Malin Østli
Supported by: Norsk Kulturråd, Sånafest og Haldenvassdragets Kanalmuseum
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