Showtimes and Tickets
Direct Action Theatre: Serve and Protect stunts
Serve and Protect, stage premiere
Direct Action Theatre
Serve and Protect
How are protest and performance connected? Direct Action Theater (D.A.T.) combines art and activism.
In 2022-2024, Østfold International Theatre is exploring artivism as a form of action, a.o. through a collaboration with the international performance group D.A.T. Their work includes both interventions in public space and more traditional theater performances.
In their series Serve and Protect, a variation on the motto of the North American police, D.A.T. uses riot police uniforms as their main visual and symbolic material. By placing the uniforms in absurd or unusual situations, the artists playfully question both power relations and the status of the police as an institution.
The play with symbolic values is used as a powerful tool in D.A.T.’s public interventions, which are often based on current socio-political or environmental issues. This is how D.A.T. wants to truly “serve and protect” people, nature, pleasure, beauty and life itself!
The stage version of Serve and Protect will had its world premiere at KunstFest vol. 5 on April 20th, 2024! >>KunstFest vol. 5
Throughout 2023 and 2024, you will be able to experience several unannounced and announced performances by D.A.T. The group is responsible for the artistic content and for their actions in public spaces.
Follow ØIT’s channels for updated info on the group’s activities or them what/who needs their services and protection through their own facebook or instagram.
Former performances
13.04.2024 kl. 14 og 16 Arrest Yoga at Torvbyen shopping centre, Fredrikstad
13.04.2024 kl. 13 og 15 Arrest Yoga in Old Town Square, Fredrikstad
23.06.2023 kl. 10-11 Body and voice practice Ballbingen, Elverhøyveien 11 Sånafest, Hølen
23.06.2023 kl. 19:30-20:00 Arrest Yoga Festivalhagen, Store Strandgate 11, Sånafest, Hølen
24.06.2023 kl. 13:00-14:15 Grand plié policié Hølen Torg, Dronningveien 1 Sånafest, Hølen
24.06.2023 kl. 19:30-20:00 Karaoke Riot Sånafest, Hølen
15.09.2023 kl. 12:00- 22:00 Serve and protect Konstepidemin, Linnéplatsen, Göteborg International Bienniale for Contemporary Art
15.11.2023 Arrest Netanyahu Parkveien, Oslo

Above: The 15th of November, 2023 at 14:00 Direct Action Theatre seemingly arrested a person wearing a mask similar to Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu , nearby the Israeli embassy in Oslo. Photos: Jan H. Husták / Daniel Halvoník Direct Action Theatre
The group wrote this about the event: “The arrest takes place based on the International Criminal Court (ICC) charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, guided by Article 6 of the Rome Statute. Charges include deportation of the population, exposing a group to harsh living conditions, bombing temples and hospitals, intentional killing of peace keeping personnel, use of white phosphorus, attacks on health and transportation units, and targetting an internationally protected refugee camp. The arrest was carried out by the organisation Direct Action Theater (D.A.T.), which has taken it upon itself to address these allegations”
According to D.A.T. the action is intended to send a message to the global community about the pursuit of justice and accountability. Action serves as a demonstration of how they believe justice should be administered.
The project is supported by