
Tell us about a significant place in Fredrikstad

Do you know of a significant place in Fredrikstad? Tell Østfold Internasjonale Teater and help create a unique work of art in and about the city!

Østfold International Tester will invite you to the city walk The Reception with and by the renowned Greek artist Alexandros Mistriotis. Now you can contribute to the importen research for the production – by submitting your suggestion for a place in Fredrikstad we should take a closer look at!

Mistriotis works from the idea that every place is the center of the world. Furthermore, that we live not only in physical places, but also in the many stories that surround them. To explore this, The Reception will inviite residents of Fredrikstad to become travelers in their own city.

“Wherever we may live, humanity unfolds as a miracle and a challenge that makes life worth living,” says the artist.

Do you know of a place in Fredrikstad that has special significance? Let us know via the link below, or call and leave a message on the project’s voicemail!

The places may be important to the town or city or to you personally, and its importance can be both positive and negative. We are interested in all types of suggestions!

Tell us about a place in Fredrikstad!

Click on the link below to submit your suggestion for an important place before April 1st 2024!

>> Write your suggestion for an important place in Fredrikstad here


>> About The Reception, Moss

>> Video from The Reception, Moss

>> Uncovering lost meaning artikkel av kunstkritiker Arve Rød 

>> Create in Public Space, webinar about The Reception in Moss as a case study of site specific works i public space.
