Showtimes and Tickets
UrbanSoundArt Conference
UrbanSoundArt Conference
UrbanSoundArt invites you to an international conference on sound and sound art!
Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October
Fredrikstad, Østfold Internasjonale Teater
UrbanSoundArt has an ambition to give Østfold completely new experiences by letting the audience meet professional sound art in the city’s many spaces. During five events throughout 2023, UrbanSoundArt focuses on sustainable art productions with solar and wind power and accessibility for everyone, regardless of functional level.
This conference will be the last event of the year, and will bring together a wide range of actors who in different ways use sound, sound art and experimental music in their productions. The aim is to share knowledge and experiences and gain greater knowledge of the field from an interdisciplinary perspective. Sound is a topic that many people are interested in!
(might be subject to change)
The conference will address topics such as local and international collaboration, success criteria for establishment, dissemination and engagement, definitions of and quality criteria for sound art. The conference will also feature artist presentations, a podcast project for youth exhibitions, live performances and DJs. In continuation of the conference, a publication will be published that brings together the themes of the conference.
Bonus! Participants will have the opportunity to visit Østlandsutstillingen and Fredrikstad Animation Festival, which will take place in parallel. Saturday evening there will be a party and concerts at the theatre, in collaboration with Fredrikstad Animation Festival!
Saturday, October 21
12.00 Welcome and introduction
By head of culture in Fredrikstad Tora Klevås, theatre director Thomas Østgaard, project manager Tulle Ruth Kofoed-Jespersen.
12.30 Ánde Somby
What is the significance of language and culture for the Sami people, and for all of us? What significance does joik have for interpersonal relationships and relationships with nature?
Andre Somby is a Sami doctor of law, author, joik and musician. He is also the conference presenter.
12.45 Marcela Lucatelli: “Sonic citizenship”
Marcela Lucatelli is a composer, conductor, singer and multi-artist with roots in Brazil and Italy, living in Denmark since 2005. Based on her own practice, she will talk about “The sonic citizenship”. Lucatelli is also composing a site-specific solo performance for UrbanSoundArt based on the concept.
13.15 Youth from the Rå association
will talk about their podcast project “Taking back freedom of expression”. The young people experience belonging to the invisible and “silent” Covid generation that was not heard, but has a lot to tell.
13.45-14.15: Break
Artists Ina Otzko and Jonas Qvale present their exhibited works. and
14.15 Ande Somby
14.30 Nonfigurative Music by Håkon Lie
Nonfigurative music in Tønsberg has existed since 2014. What do they do to succeed with a “narrow” art form? What are the success criteria and what has the initiative done for and with the local community?
15.00 Thomas Østgaard, Østfold Internasjonale Teater on regional participation
How to reach out to an entire region and involve local people in artistic work?
15:45 Johan Urban: “For Whom the Bell Tolls (dream-magic)”
Book a noisy road trip.
Lorraine Oades and Cristobal Urbina “Sentinel”.
16.45 – 17.30 Guided tour to Holmen fellesverksted/Nova Hutha and Østlandsutstillingen
via Ase Brunborg Lie’s work “Bodies of water”.
Evening program, from 21:00
Join the party with Fredrikstad Animation Festival!
All participants at the audio conference get free admission to the closing event of Fredrikstad Animation Festival, but make sure to reserve your ticket in advance!
When you register for the sound conference, you will receive a discount code that you can enter to get your free ticket to the evening’s big party! (Contact the organizer if you have not received the code)
Doors open at 21:00, the concert starts at 22:00. The event has an age limit of 18 years.
Sunday, October 22nd
11.30-12.30 Joint lunch with sonic soup and side dishes.
(NB: If you have allergies or if you need other arrangements regarding the food to be served – please contact the organizer in UrbanSoundArt directly:
12.30 Jacob Eriksen, head of Sound Art Lab, Struer, Denmark:
About Sound Art Lab, Denmark.
13.00 Performance: The Sonic Citizenship by Marcela Lucatelli
14.00-14.15: Break
14.15 Åse Brunborg Lie: “Bodies of Water”
Lie talks about her sculpture Bodies of Water, which is located along and in the Glomma river. The sculpture is inspired by water monitoring systems, and measures pollution, sound and temperature – which are transformed into a sonification of the river.
14.45: Julie and Michael Eriksson: Harp Art Lab
Harp Art Lab is an example of a well-established innovative and experimental initiative in the district: How did they make it happen? How do they involve local areas and residents?
15.15: Jonas Qvale on New Music Østfold
15.45-16.00 Closing words
Mobile exhibition: “Sentinel”
by Lorraine Oades and Cristobal Urbina will be on display in and around the conference.