
Showtimes and Tickets

Seminar: Sea Matters

01.02-02.02 2025 Hele dagenSeminar: Sea MattersFredrikstadØstfold Internasjonale TeaterRegistration

Seminar: Sea Matters

Movements in Art and Politics

The Norwegian Theatre Academy at Østfold University College and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and collaboration with Østfold Internasjonale Teater, welcome you to a seminar connecting ecology, social justice and art practices.

1. – 2. February 2025
Saturday from 10.00 to 18.00
Sunday from 12.00 to 16.30  
Østfold Internasjonale Teater, Dokka 3a, Fredrikstad
Languages: English and Portuguese (with translation)

Please join us for two days of sharing practices, films, research and materials inspired by the Sea Matters project with local and international contributors. Our gathering will address reimagining institutions and institutional change as an embodied part of artistic research and artistic resistance.

Sea Matters

What can listening and co-creative actions unfold about artistic relationships through and with the sea?

SEA MATTERS (2023-2026) is a is an interdisciplinary research and artistic project initiated by HiØ/NTA (Akademi for Scenekunst) in collaboration with Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFJR) with support from HK-dir (NORPART). It is a performance research pedagogy laboratory based on shared transatlantic storytelling, listening practices, pedagogical activities, artistic experiments and archival actions. The project focuses on rethinking institutional power across borders, where ecologies, social justice and art practices are connected and informed by complex transatlantic histories.

This is the second seminar in the project – the first took place in Rio de Janeiro in April 2024.


The seminar will include interventions by established Brazilian artists and University of Rio de Janeiro professors, Eleonora Fabião and Adriana Alcure Schneider, co-leaders of the project. We also welcome PhD research from UFRJ / Nucleus for Experimental Performance, and Kalinda artist practitioners Rondel Benjamin and Jamie Philbert from Bois Academy (Trinidad and Tobago) and UFRJ researcher Ricardo Cabral.

Contributors affiliated with the project based in Norway include HiØ/NTA + Filmskolen PhD candidate, Luanda Carneiro Jacoel (Brazil/Norway), Princeton research fellow Ayesha Jordan (USA/Norway), OsloMet Professor Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk (Norway) and performer / artist / co-artistic director of Ferske Scener, Bernt Bjørn (Sápmi/Norway) and NTA Sea Matters Alumni Waldane Walker and Mohammed Ellyas Lehry.

Artist Jan Husták and other select members of the NTA alumni and current student body are also in attendance, and the seminar will acknowledge the closure of the Academy as part of the context of the event.

Additional guests will be announced.


The seminar happens as part of the curriculums of the MA in Performance and MA in Scenography at HiØ/NTA (Akademi for Scenekunst).  The project is led by Karmenlara Ely; Artistic Director of Acting and Performance at HiØ/NTA.

This seminar is open to everyone, booking is compulsory.
Please book your placea through this link:




10:00 – 10:10

10:10 – 10:40
Welcome by Thomas Østgaard, artistic director ØIT and Introduction by Karmenlara Ely

10:40 – 11:10
Save NTA, with Alumni Jan Hustak and NTA students

11:10 – 12:10
Blood stains from the north
Bernt Bjørn & Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk

12:10 – 12:20
Coffee break

12:20 – 13:10
blaze, char, heat, ignite, torch, scorch, set alight…
in other words, burn baby burn
Intervention by Ayesha Jordan

Lunch Break – Food Provided
Mini-installation available: Film by Scenography student Caroline Bang and other Sea Matters archives

Opening Ways (amidst the dismantlement)
Professors Eleonora Fabião and Adriana Schneider

15:30 – 15:40
Coffee Break

15:40 – 16:10
Audience Discussion
lead by Eleonora and Adriana, moderated by Camilla

16:15– 16:45
Reflections on Sea Matters Project
NTA Alumni Waldane Walker and Mohammed Lehry



12:10 – 13:40
Moan Chirren: Sensation, Sound, and Spatial Perception in Kalinda by Jamie J Philbert and Rondel Benjamin
Presentation with practical workshop

13:40 – 13:50
Coffee Break

13:50 – 14:30
Install-actions: living archives, ritual and embodiment

Luanda Carneiro Jacoel (NTA/Filmskolen PhD candidate)

14:30 – 15:00
Extended Mingling/Snacks and Coffee Break
Mini-installation available: Film by Scenography student Caroline Bang and other Sea Matters archives

15:00 – 15:35
Art of holding the sky: Scenes with garbage and mangrove in Rio de Janeiro by Ricardo Cabral

blaze, char, heat, ignite, torch, scorch, set alight… in other words, burn baby burn
Part 2
by Ayesha Jordan
