(UN)COMMON SPACES 2020-2024 is an international collaboration aiming to reinvent the relationship between the cultural sector and civil society.
The project is led by Lieux Publics, coordinating 16 partners and 12 associated partners from 21 different countries, and is supported by EUs Creative Europe.
In short
At a time when European societies are undergoing considerable changes, art must be at the forefront to offer new perspectives. To rebuild the pact between art and society, more and more artists are leaving conventional spaces to work in and with the public space, in direct contact with citizens and inhabitants. (UN)COMMON SPACES aims at supporting the strong growth of this sector at a European scale to reinvent the relation between the cultural sector and the civil society.
A change of paradigm
The partners will gather around them a circle of artists and a circle of associate citizens: That is, people from the civil society, ( f.i. social workers, scientists, teachers, city-planners, architects, farmers, nurse, prison guards, workers of the public space.)
This new collaborative format, a result of the IN SITU partners’ expertise, reflects their conviction that sharing skills, artistic vision and plurality of perspectives is today the relevant way to ensure that artworks will resonate with a large and more diverse audience.
A change of perspective
- Give meaning to more in-depth relationships between artists and inhabitants: explore the various ways of participation of and with the audience
- Offer associate artists a multi-faceted path, where they will be supported for their artistic journey on a long term basis
- Inhabit and regenerate public space by tackling the challenges of the European public space together with artists and the civil society
A change of working framework
- A transnational mobility programme driven by the participation of the audience
- A modulable package for associate artists and emerging artists including artistic laboratories, mentorships and co-productions
- A cycle of exchanges on topics** related to public space between artists, the civil society and producers
- A set of training tools for art in public space and specifically for audience development
- An international strategy focusing on the United States of America and Asia
- Artists working outside conventional venues, creating for local contexts, involving inhabitants and questioning the challenges of our contemporary societies are at the centre of this project.
** themes:
Reclaim the spaces: urban renewal, placemaking, evolution of rural areas, privatisation of public space.
Reconnect people: diversity, social justice, cultural identity, social inclusion, intergenerational alliance
Face the future: climate change, democracy, technology & digital world.
(UN)COMMON SPACES productions at ØIT:
- Watchtower by Johannes Bellinkx
23.5– 26.9.2024 - The Reception by Alexandros Mistriotis
6.6– 26.9.2024 - Materieal Displacements by Nana Francisca Schottländer
29.8 – 26.9.2024
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>> (UN)COMMON SPACES hovedside (engelsk)